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Having an office job means that you’re bound to your desk for most of the day. It’s not a secret that sitting for long periods of time can be detrimental to our health. Being a desk job worker can mean that you’re at risk for a number of health issues such as weight gain, obesity, chronic pain, heart disease, diabetes, and more.
Even if you feel like you’re chained to your desk, you can keep weight gain and other health issues at bay by doing desk exercises. According to experts, doing desk exercises is a great way to incorporate movement into your routine. When you move more, not only are you more physically active but you also burn more calories, making you fitter and healthier even when you’re seated.
The Best Desk Exercises to Help You Lose Weight

Having a desk job doesn’t mean you have to compromise your health to be able to do your tasks. According to studies, if you do desk exercises for an hour each day, you could lose up to 3,000 calories in a month! Sounds good, right?
With desk exercises, you can stay on top of your tasks and keep your body in a good shape at the same time. Try out these desk exercises to help you kick off your weight loss journey.
Chair Dips
Your arms and core can benefit from chair dips. To perform this, sit on your chair and place each hand firmly in the center of the armrests. You can also hold onto the edge of your seat. Next, lift your feet a few inches off the ground and engage your stomach muscles.
Then, press down with your hands to raise your body off the chair until your arms are straight. Hold for one count, then lower into the chair. Repeat for 30 seconds.
Desk Push-Ups
This desk exercise can help you build upper-body strength. Stand at least one yard away from your desk, facing toward it. Keep your feet together and lean forward as place your hands on the edge of the desk.
Make sure that your hands are shoulder-width apart. Bring your chest downward toward your desk, exhale, and push back upward. Repeat 20 times.
Seated Reverse Crunch
Performing this seated reverse crunch will help tone your core and inner thighs. Start by scooting forward so that you’re closer to the edge of your seat than to the back. Place your hands on the armrests.
Put your knees together and slowly pull them up off the ground as close to your chest as you can get them. Hold for one count, then slowly lower down. Try to keep your back straight as you do this. Repeat.
Seat Squat
Work on your lower body, particularly your legs, with this exercise. Push your chair back and stand a few inches in front of it. Your feet should be hip-width apart and your buttocks should be facing the chair. Hold your arms out straight in front of you.
Slowly bend your knees and lower down so that your butt goes back as if you’re about to sit down in the chair. As much as possible, keep your weight on your heels. As soon as you feel the chair graze your backside, stand back up. Repeat.
Seated Abs Twist
Doing this exercise will strengthen your core, obliques, and abdominal muscles. It can also help you with maintaining good posture, which is essential if you’re in your chair all day long.
Start by sitting up straight with your feet flat on the ground. Hold your arms at a 90-degree angle with your elbows at your sides and your forearms extended in front of you.
Next, gently rotate your upper torso to the left. Keep your lower body still and brace your core imagining you’re sucking your belly button toward your spine. Return to the middle, and then twist to the right. Perform 10 reps on each side, for a total of 20.
Final Note
Doing exercises at your desk can help you achieve your weight loss goals without having to leave your workstation. Aside from desk exercises, getting up once in a while to walk will also help keep the negative effects of sitting at bay.
Stock up on healthy snacks too and make sure to drink plenty of water to hydrate throughout the day. All these things will add up and help you live a better, healthier life.