Pain Free Working

How Much Weight Can You Lose With Deskcercises in a Month?

If you have a desk job, you’re probably familiar with sitting in your chair for most of the day, dealing with tasks, meetings, deadlines, and more. While we all know by now that sitting for long periods of time can lead to several health risks, including body pain, diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and a lot more. Among the health issues associated with sitting for too long, one that individuals are highly susceptible to is weight gain or even worse, obesity.

Most office workers have a busy lifestyle and have little to no time to insert a full workout into their schedules. Desk workers would rather spend their free time resting and doing something recreational rather than hit the gym to get any kind of exercise done. This can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, and with that comes along weight gain. 

There are still ways to avoid gaining weight while having a desk job, and one of them is doing deskcercises. A portmanteau of the words desk and exercise, deskcercises refers to a set of exercises that you can perform without leaving your workstation or the vicinity of it. These exercises allow you to stay focused, incorporate movement, and keep your body in a good shape. 

While numerous people are advocating for deskcercises to help individuals stay fit despite working for hours, it begs the question, how much weight can one lose with

While numerous people are advocating for deskcercises to help individuals stay fit despite working for hours, it begs the question, how much weight can one lose with deskercises? If you’re about to start doing desk exercises and wondering how they can help you lose weight, then this article is for you.

If you’re about to start doing desk exercises and wondering how they can help you lose weight, then this article is for you.

How Many Calories Can You Burn Doing Deskcercises?

Deskcercises have been shown to help in incorporating movement, allowing you to stay active even while you’re in your seat. But how many calories can you get rid of while doing them? The Journal of Physical Activity and Health conducted an experiment with 74 healthy participants wearing masks that measured the calories burned while actively sitting. Standing while working and walking were measured as well.

In the study, researchers found that the participants burned 80 calories per hour while doing desk exercises. Alternating between sitting and standing while working burned about 88 calories per hour. The study also showed that walking around can help burn up to 105 calories per hour. From this study alone, we can conclude that you can lose up to 100 calories doing deskcercises each day. 

If you do deskcercises for an hour each day, you could lose up to 3,000 calories in a month. Converting that in weight, you can lose up to 12 lbs. in a month just by doing deskcercises daily. Surprising, isn’t it? Just by doing a workplace workout, you can stay fit and keep your body in good health. Aside from keeping you active, deskcercises can also help shake out the stiffness in your joints, reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease, avoid serious health issues in the long run, and can even help you maintain your mental health.


Desk exercises can be incorporated into different parts of the day. You can do deskcercises during your lunch break, during your free time, or even during conference calls. If you don’t know how to start with deskcercises or want to incorporate more into your routine, you can check out our exercise articles as a place to start. It’s not too late to begin your fitness journey, even when you’re at your desk all day long. Start being active and start living a healthier lifestyle at work.

Tricia Montano

Tricia founded Pain Free Working in 2019 due to suffering from degenerative disc disease in her L5-S1 from working an office job for the past 18 years. She and her team strive on finding and reviewing the best office equipment to help fellow pain sufferers find relief and to enable people like her to do their jobs comfortably.