Pain Free Working

The Only No Equipment Workout You Need

In a world filled with endless fitness trends, expensive gym memberships, and high-tech exercise equipment, it’s easy to forget that an effective workout at home doesn’t always require fancy machines or weights. 

No equipment workouts have gained popularity for their accessibility, simplicity, and proven results. In this article, we will explore what makes a good workout at home with no equipment required, whether you can build strength without weights, and the effectiveness of such workouts.

What Is a Good Workout Routine With No Equipment?

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, it is advisable to include strength training activities that target all major muscle groups in your fitness regimen at least twice a week. 

Building lean muscles contributes to effective fat-burning and calorie expenditure, thus accelerating your journey toward achieving your desired beach body.

A well-rounded no equipment home workout regimen should encompass various key components to target and shape all major groups to build strength, enhance cardiovascular health, and adapt to your fitness level. 

Starting with a dynamic warm-up is essential to boost blood circulation, minimize the risk of injury, and prime your body for physical activity, with options like jumping jacks, high knees, or bodyweight squats being excellent choices. 

Incorporating strength training is crucial, achieved through bodyweight exercises that challenge and shape different groups, such as push-ups, squats, lunges, planks, and burpees. These physical activities can be customized by altering techniques or increasing the number of repetitions. 

To enhance your cardiovascular fitness, it’s important to include activities that elevate your heart rate, such as high-intensity interval training, or HIIT workouts, jumping jacks, or mountain climbers, effectively burning calories and improving endurance. 

Additionally, flexibility and mobility can be improved through the inclusion of stretches, which broaden your range of motion and enhance overall physical flexibility, with options including yoga poses or straightforward stretching routines. 

Lastly, concluding your home workout with a proper cool-down routine aids in recovery and minimizes soreness, achieved through gentle stretching and controlled breathing techniques, promoting relaxation and well-being.

Can You Use Household Items Instead of Gym Equipment?

Utilizing household items instead of gym equipment is a practical and cost-effective approach to improving your strength, fitness, and leanness in the comfort of your home. 

Rather than investing in expensive workout gear, you can incorporate readily available household items into your exercise regimen to substitute for typical gym equipment.

For lighter resistance, consider using a can of baked beans or coconut cream in place of hand weights. These items can serve as effective alternatives.

When seeking heavier resistance akin to dumbbells or kettlebells, household options like a hefty basket of laundry or a stack of books can serve as suitable replacements. Additionally, involving your kids in your workout routine can add a dynamic element to your exercises.

By creatively repurposing these everyday items, you can achieve your fitness goals without the need for specialized gym equipment.

Can You Build Muscle With Just Your Body Weight?

Building muscle without the need for weights is entirely feasible. While traditional weightlifting is a well-established method for muscle gain, your body offers its built-in resistance, paving the way for strength-building even in the absence of specialized equipment. 

An effective bodyweight workout and strength training, when executed with proper form and a gradual increase in intensity, can trigger muscle growth.

There’s a variety of weight activities that can assist in the development of your muscles:

  1. Push-Ups: These focus on the upper body, shoulders, and triceps.
  1. Squats: Target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.
  1. Lunges: Concentrate on legs and balance enhancement.
  1. Planks: Strengthen the core and stability.
  1. Burpees: Provide a comprehensive full-body workout, engaging multiple groups.
  1. Pull-Ups (using a horizontal bar): Foster upper body strength, primarily in the back and arms.

To optimize growth without the use of weights, it’s imperative to continually raise the challenge level of these activities. You can achieve this by incorporating variations, increasing the number of repetitions, or altering the pace of your movements. By doing so, you can progressively build muscles and enhance your overall strength with bodyweight activities.

Are No Equipment Workouts Effective to Lose Weight?

No-equipment home workouts are not only highly effective but also come with a plethora of advantages. 

Their accessibility is one of the standout features, allowing you to perform them virtually anywhere, whether in the comfort of your own home, a hotel room, or a nearby park. This accessibility facilitates the maintenance of a consistent workout routine. 

Moreover, the affordability of these activities is a significant plus, as they require no additional costs, eliminating the need for expensive gym memberships or the purchase of bulky machines. 

Beyond this, many bodyweight exercises within no equipment workouts promote functional strength, enhancing stability and balance that can be applied to daily activities. 

These physical activities can be structured to include high-intensity cardio, contributing to improved heart health and effective calorie burning. 

The abundance of body weight exercises and routines available ensures that monotony is kept at bay, and you can continuously challenge yourself to progress as your fitness level improves and as you lose weight.

The Best At-Home Full Body Bodyweight Exercises

Upper Body Home Workouts

Triceps Dips

Triceps dips are an effective activity to target the backs of your arms. Begin by sitting on the floor with your hands positioned behind you, your fingers facing your body. 

Push through your palms to lift your body onto your feet, ensuring your knees are directly above your ankles. Bend your elbows to lower your buttocks towards the ground, then straighten your arms to return to the starting position. 

Repeat this movement ten times, rest in between. For a more advanced version, keep your legs straight in front of you during the tricep dips.

Push Ups

Push-ups are another great upper-body exercise. Start in a plank position with your core engaged and your shoulders aligned over your wrists. 

Lower your upper body towards the ground by bending your elbows out to the sides, and then push back up to the planking position. Perform ten repetitions and rest in between. If you’re a beginner, you can modify this by doing it on your knees.

Side Plank

The side plank is an excellent way to shape your obliques. Begin in a plank position, then rotate your body to the left, extending your left arm towards the ceiling. 

Stack your left foot on top of the right and lift your right waistline away from the ground to engage the right side of your body. Return to a plank position and repeat this movement ten times. 

Be sure to perform the same exercise on the right side. 

Plank Ups

Plank-ups are a challenging core workout. Start in a plank position on your knees, then lower down onto your right forearm and left forearm, transitioning into a forearm plank. Press your right palm and left palm into the ground to return to a full plank position. 

Repeat this sequence five times with your right hand leading and five times with your left hand leading. 

Lower Body Weight Exercises


The squat is a fundamental lower body exercise. Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Pull your navel toward your spine and tighten your core, then initiate the squat by bending your knees and pushing your buttocks back, as if you’re sitting in a chair. 

Make sure to check that your knees do not extend beyond your ankles. Push through your heels to stand back up, and squeeze your glutes at the top. Perform ten repetitions. 

For beginners, squat halfway down before returning to your position at the start. If you’re more advanced, add squat jumps to your workout, landing softly with bent knees, then straighten your knees. Slowly lower back into the squat and jump back up. 

Repeat this sequence ten times.


Step-ups are an effective workout that targets your lower body while enhancing balance and stability. To perform them, start standing in front of a bench or step with your feet together.

Step onto the bench with your right foot, pushing through your heel and lifting your left knee. Lower your leg by stepping backward off the bench. 

Perform 10 to 15 repetitions with your right leading, then switch and do 10 to 15 reps, leading with your left. Aim to complete three sets of this exercise for a well-rounded lower-body workout.

Bicycle Crunches

To perform bicycle crunches correctly, begin by lying on your back with your knees bent, similar to your start position of a sit-up or oblique crunch. Raise your shoulders slightly above the floor to lift your chest. 

Place your hands behind your head, ensuring that your elbows are flared out to the sides. Be cautious not to pull on your neck or head during the exercise, so avoid interlocking your fingers. Lift one leg off the ground and fully extend it. 

Simultaneously, lift your other leg and bend your knee, bringing it towards your chest. Keep your extended leg straight. As you bend it towards your upper body, twist your torso and raise your opposite elbow towards it in a twisting motion. 

Lower your elbow and knee at the same time, while raising your opposite limbs to perform the same twisting movement. 

If you initially went from your right elbow to your left knee, it’s time to switch to your left elbow and your right knee. 

Repeat this sequence for as many repetitions as desired. A good starting point is to aim for 8-12 reps and perform 3 sets with proper form.

Side Lunge

Next is the side lunge. Stand with your legs hip-width apart and step your right foot a few feet to the right. Bend your right knee while sitting your right glute back, as if you’re attempting to sit in a chair. Keep your left leg straight. 

Push down through your right heel to return to the starting position. Repeat this movement ten times to the right, then switch to the left for another ten repetitions. 

For a more advanced activity: side lunge then jump. To step it up, side lunge to the right and then return to center, jump straight up towards the ceiling landing in a squat. Side lunge to the left and then return to center, jump straight up. Repeat 10x each side.

Back Lunge

The back lunge and lift is another exercise. Begin by standing with your feet as wide as your hips. Step your left foot back and lower down into a lunge. 

As you lift it straight up behind you, focus on engaging the hamstring and glute. Lower back down into the lunge, then repeat this ten times before switching to the other side. 

Curtsy Lunge

For the curtsy lunge, start by standing and stepping your left foot backward and to the right, bending both knees into a curtsy position. 

Return to the center and repeat on the other side. Complete ten reps on each side. Beginners can curtsy halfway down and then return to the starting position.

Calf Raises

Calf raises are a simple exercise. Stand upright and raise up onto your tiptoes, then lower back down. Repeat this movement ten times.

Wide Leg Open-Toe Squat

Finally, the wide-leg open-toe squat. Begin with your feet wider than your hips and toes turned out to the sides. Tighten your abs, bend your knees, and track them over your second toes as you lower into the squat. 

Stand back up by pressing through your heels. While lowering into the squat, hold dumbbells by your sides and raise them out to the sides, up to shoulder height. Lower the weights back to your sides as you stand up. 

Repeat this entire sequence ten times for a total of three sets.

Core Exercises


In the Superman exercise, lie on your stomach and engage your core by pulling your navel toward your spine. 

Reach your arms forward, relax your shoulders, and contract your glutes. Lift your legs, arms, chest, and head off the ground, and then lower them back down slowly. This motion should be repeated ten times. 


Moving on to the Cobra exercise, begin by lying on your stomach and placing your hands next to your chest on the floor. Engage your core, then use your hands to push yourself into a cobra position, ensuring that your shoulders remain down and your head is not tilted too far up.

Repeat this movement ten times. For a more advanced variation, lift your hands off the ground from the Cobra position, relying solely on your upper back to keep you elevated.

Ab Curl Hollow Hold

For the Ab Curl Hollow Hold, lie on your back and bring your knees in toward your chest. Press your legs out, extending them through your toes, and then return them to the center. Repeat this action ten times. 

Beginners with neck issues or a weaker core can keep their heads on the mat and press their legs higher as they extend them. In an advanced modification, extend your arms behind you as you extend your legs in front of you.

Side Lying Inner Thigh

The Side Lying Inner Thigh exercise involves lying on your right side, bending the left knee, and placing the foot in front of your right leg. 

Lift your right leg and pulse it as high as you can for ten repetitions, then repeat on the other side. 

In the Side Lying Outer Hip exercise, also performed on the right side, engage your core, lift the left leg a foot higher than the bottom leg, and hold it. Pulse for ten repetitions, then switch to the other side to complete the exercise.

Final Note

A well-designed no equipment workout regimen can be a fantastic way to achieve your fitness goals, whether you aim to build strength, lose weight, or enhance your overall health.

The key is consistency, proper form, and gradual progression. With commitment and dedication, you can achieve remarkable results without the need for expensive equipment or a gym membership.

So, the next time you find yourself without access to weights or machines, remember that a great workout is always within your reach.

Tricia Montano

Tricia founded Pain Free Working in 2019 due to suffering from degenerative disc disease in her L5-S1 from working an office job for the past 18 years. She and her team strive on finding and reviewing the best office equipment to help fellow pain sufferers find relief and to enable people like her to do their jobs comfortably.